Luca Christmas in July 2021

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Animal figures
Note: Basic (not choking hazard size) set of animals, doesn't matter what kind
Last Updated: 09/29/2024
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Melissa and Doug cookie set

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Last Updated: 09/29/2024
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Light up drawing board

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Last Updated: 09/29/2024
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Snack tray for stroller
Last Updated: 09/29/2024
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Note: Any kid craft items-definitely need stickers, stamps, pipecleaners, and refills of playdoh but open to any crafts!
Last Updated: 09/29/2024
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Wooden height ruler
Note: Stained wood growth ruler. No personalization so we can use it for multiple kiddos. Doesn't have to be this exact one but something similar.
Last Updated: 09/29/2024
Where to find: Etsy
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Pikler triangle
Note: Because this guy climbs on everything
Last Updated: 09/29/2024
Where to find: Etsy has the best variety, would love one with the slide on one side and rockwall on the other
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Hiking backpack baby carrier

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Note: No exact one in mind but a durable framed hiking baby carrying backpack that has a sunshade, and has storage. Doesn't need to be the top of the line, just something that will help us carry him a bit easier on hikes. In either blue, black, or gray.
Last Updated: 09/29/2024
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