Emperor One is an improved variety of upright Japanese maple that is similar to the classic Bloodgood. This dwarf shade tree, also known as the Red Emperor, offers 3 seasons of deep purple-red color and is noted for its longer leaf retention. Its leaves bud out about 2-weeks later in Spring, thus reducing the risk of damage from late frosts. Moreover, it holds its fantastic color well in shade and is also more versatile than Bloodgood. The early Spring color of this Japanese maple comes out as an extremely deep maroon with a brilliant translucent sheen that gives the leaves a nice shinny look as the Sunlight hits them. The Emperor 1 Japanese maple holds its rich, dark red foliage well throughout the Summer months and has a brilliant scarlet fall display. The underside of the leaf is a rich olive green. A full Sun or part shade lover, this plant is easily grown in moist, organically rich, slightly acidic. Well-drained soils. Mulch helps retain soil moisture and keep roots cool. Best leaf color in partial shade, although full Sun can be tolerated. Leaf scorch can be caused by lack of soil moisture or excessive exposure. This extraordinarily stunning tree adds interest and distinction to your garden.