Make your home more accessible with the Wonder Pole Slim by Stander. This tension-mounted transfer pole is more than just a bathroom grab bar, it's a versatile safety aid to be used anywhere in the home. With its tension-mounted installation, you can put a grab bar anywhere in the home without being constrained to walls. Place the security pole in between the toilet and the bathtub to get up from the toilet and step out of the bath. Place the standing aid next to a couch, chair, or recliner in your living room and use it to get up and down from a sitting position. You can even put the pole in your bedroom to get in and out of bed. To install, tighten with the provided wrench, creating tension between the floor and the ceiling. Hardware is provided should want to install your pole permanently, but is not required. The Wonder Pole can be used anywhere in the home with flat ceilings ranging from 7-10 feet in height. Color: Black/Glossy. Material: Steel.