The marvelous deeply colored flowers of Wee Bit Grumpy hydrangea are sure to bring a smile to your face, no matter your mood. In acidic soil, these gorgeous purple flowers have unbelievable depth of color. The petals' light pinkish-purple base is edged and dusted with dark royal purple. It's rich, saturated color extends to the pink flowers as well. Alkaline soils prompt Wee Bit Grumpy to produce jewel toned reddish pink flowers with white centers and glossy frosted veins. Its perfectly formed round heads make excellent cut flowers or a stunning addition to hedges, borders, and foundation plantings. This long blooming shrub is tolerant of a wide variety of conditions and will thrive in full Sun or shade. If you're looking to add color to your landscape, hydrangea Wee Bit Grumpy is the shrub for you.