The Autumn Angel Encore Azalea is a delicate beauty that will live up to its name as it lifts your garden and landscape to new heights!The Autumn Angel produces clear white blooms spring through fall that measure around 3 inches across. These blossoms are graceful and elegant, with a classy flair that doesn't overstate itself. An initial spring display produces dozens of blooms that illuminate the landscape. Afterward, this reblooming azalea keeps the flowers coming as it blooms again in summer and fall!The Autumn Angel Encore Azalea features glossy, light green leaves that are the perfect complement to its delicately beautiful blooms. Additionally, these evergreen leaves are consistent all year long and won't leave your landscape bare in the dead of winter.This white blooming azalea is perfect for foundation plantings, container plantings, accents, mixed garden beds, low hedges, and borders.