Tulips are the indispensable blooms of the spring garden, as they bring it to life. They are unique in the range of size, shape, and bold color found in almost every color spectrum, that only tulips provide. Tulips are suitable for a wide range of plantings, are excellent in the rock garden, in formal beds, as elegant cut flowers, and for containers. They can be used in nearly any garden design scheme. Flowers are upward facing, with linear to lance-shaped green leaves on the stem. Tulip descriptions can become quite technical, as they are grouped into 15 different divisions, describing the petals, stamens, and leaves in detail. Plant several different varieties of tulips throughout the garden to extend the blooming time. Artist tulips are known as Viridiflora tulips which means green flower. What makes this award winner a stand out is its unusual coloring of salmon rose with purple and green markings. It also makes for a good cut flower and will naturalize more easily then some other tulip varieties. A must have for the tulip connoisseur.