The wipes plus wire bracket are here to help you maintain a clean and hygienic environment. This holder is compatible with wipes plus 80-count refills, giving you a convenient and speedy way to clean up any space. The wipes plus wire bracket stands out because of its versatility, as it can be installed either vertically or horizontally. This bracket may be mounted wherever it is most convenient, making it easy to access whenever it is needed. It is built to last, making it suitable for usage in a wide range of settings. You can always have a supply of clean wipes on hand with the help of the wipes plus wire bracket, which is designed to accommodate wipes plus 80ct refills. The wipes plus wire bracket are made in the from sturdy, high-quality materials. It is 5.25 in. width makes it ideal for usage anywhere cleanliness is of paramount importance. Why hold off. The wipes plus wire bracket are an instant improvement to your current cleaning strategy.