The Ray Padula Smart Spray contour pulsating sprinkler is one of the most innovative, robust sprinklers available today. Designed with a 12-point disc, this sprinkler can be adjusted to automatically change the distance of spray to your specific yard. Simply push the green pattern disc upwards to reduce the distance of spray, or down to increase the distance. As the sprinkler rotates, the Smart Arm design follows the curves of the pattern disc and varies the distance of spray. Additional features include an over-size, heavy duty body, adjustable pattern rings, and a precision engineered nozzle designed to place a dense even soaking of water across your entire yard. Best of the entire deluxe in-series base allows multiple sprinklers to be connected together and used at once. Simply remove the green end cap, attach another garden hose to lead to another sprinkler. With one turn of the faucet, the entire yard is watered at once, without moving the hose.