Spa Choice Sanitizing Granules are designed to dissolve quickly and completely. Chlorine granules provide a steady source of available chlorine to spa water to control algae growth, kill bacteria and destroy organic contaminants. Spa choice chlorine granules are stabilized to protect against ultraviolet radiation from the sun, increasing the life of your chlorine. Directions For Application: Broadcast the product evenly over a wide area in the deepest part of the spa with water circulating. Directions Or Spa And Hot Tub Use: Each level teaspoon (0.17 oz.) of this product will provide approximately 1.4 ppm available chlorine in 500 Gal. of water. Using an appropriate test kit, test and adjust the water to the following values: pH 7.2-7.8, total alkalinity 60-100 ppm, calcium hardness 200 ppm minimum. Maintain these conditions for proper spa and hot tub operation by frequent testing with a test kit. Do not allow cyanuric acid level to exceed 150 ppm. It is recommended that spas and hot tubs be drained every 30-90 days. More often under heavy use. Consult manufacturers recommendations concerning the compatibility of chlorine sanitizers with their equipment. Some oils, lotions, fragrances and cleaners may cause foaming or cloudy water and may react with chlorine sanitizers to reduce their efficacy.