Looking more expensive than what the price tag reads you might think the Savannah Mailbox is too good to be true. We can assure you this is one of those times where value and quality meet and provide a beautiful product like the Savannah. It features a deeply cut, ornate cast aluminum door on an aluminum body for maximum rust resistance. If you are looking to upgrade your current mailbox and add more beauty to your home, the Savannah is for you. The roller bearing latch mechanism will keep the door secure while the rust proof aluminum, powder coated body construction creates a weather resistant mailbox. The roomiest mailbox you'll find, the Savannah will fit your important mail, documents, packages and keep them dry. The housing around the die-cast flag is finished to match the body and will ensure the flag will stay upright to signify pickup at your mailbox. The beauty and value of the Savannah come together to give your home a curbside accent that you can enjoy for a lifetime. Color: White.