Crinum Menehune, a red bog lily, dazzles with a unique color combination of crisp pink fragrant funnel-shaped flowers on rich red stems. The deep burgundy-red lance-like leaves hold their color and can reach 24 in. L. The plant's common name provides a handy tip for how to feature this strappy charmer. It's a bog lily. It likes bogs. Feature Crinum Menehune in a water garden or keep moist in a pot. It can grow in water up to 6 in. D. The plant is a hybrid that was introduced by the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden and named after the Menehune, who in Hawaiian legend were diminutive denizens of the deep forests and hidden valleys of the islands and exceptionally skilled builders and crafters. Here are some tips to help keep your new Crinum Menehune thriving: For outside, plant in full Sun to light shade. For inside, give lots of bright light. As a bog lily, Crinum Menehune likes moist soil, but make sure the soil is well-draining to prevent root rot. If you're growing it in water, change the water every 2-weeks to keep it fresh. Since it's a tropical plant, Crinum Menehune likes higher humidity levels. Indoors, use a humidifier or pebble tray to increase humidity if necessary.