Carnaby clematis (Clematis "Carnaby") is a compact cultivar that blooms in the spring and early summer, followed by a second flush of blooms in late summer to fall. The large flowers are deep pink with a red stripe down the middle. "Carnaby" clematis is hardy in U. S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. Select a sunny location for the clematis. In warm climates, position the plant with a north or northeastern exposure, which provides sunlight in the morning but keeps the soil cooler in the afternoon. "Carnaby" clematis, like most clematis plants, prefers a warm head and cool ft. Install a trellis or other support for your clematis to climb. "Carnaby" clematis are more compact than most clematis cultivars, reaching only 8 ft. tall, so you don't need a large structure. The plants climb through tiny, twining tendrils and cannot climb thick pieces of wood or rock walls. String fishing line or wire through structures for the plant to climb. Lovely medium flowers of bubblegum pink feature dark pink bars and appear either singly or in clusters of three on robust vines in early summer. Carnaby blooms again to brighten the area in late summer.