China doll is a common houseplant with abundant glossy-green leaves. Adapted from its origin as a large tree, this fast-growing plant now happily tolerates indoor-growing conditions. Although China doll doesn't bloom indoors, a mature specimen will produce large trumpet-shape white flowers when grown outdoors.When growing China doll in a container, use a well-drained potting medium. That's because this somewhat temperamental plant grows best with consistent moisture. Let it dry out slightly between waterings to avoid rot and other problems.The China doll (Radermachera sinica) is a fairly new houseplant that has become very popular and widely available. This plant is like a tree, with attractive, glossy, mid-green leaves divided into leaflets. This plant remains fairly compact and it's easy to look after.China doll plants need plenty of bright, but indirect, light. They need at least four to five hours of this kind of light a day. If the windows in your house are unable to provide suitable light, then you may want to use an artificial plant light to add additional light.China doll plants in gardens generally reach heights of 25 to 30 feet, although the tree can reach much greater heights in its natural environment. Indoors, china doll plants remain shrubby, usually topping out at 4 to 6 feet.