Frangipani, also known as Plumeria Rubra, is a stunning tropical plant cherished for its vibrant and fragrant flowers. This deciduous tree or shrub typically grows up to 25 ft. tall and features a vase or umbrella shape with fleshy, succulent branches. The flowers, which bloom at the tips of the branches, come in a variety of colors including pink, red, yellow, and white, often with a contrasting center. The leaves are large, green, and clustered at the branch tips, adding to the plant's lush appearance. Plumeria Rubra is a beautiful addition to any garden or patio, offering not only visual appeal with its vibrant flowers but also a delightful fragrance. It can be enjoyed as a landscape plant in tropical climates or as a container plant in cooler regions, where it can be brought indoors during winter. With proper care, this plant can thrive and provide lush foliage and abundant blooms, making it a worthwhile investment for plant enthusiasts.