Reliably, gorgeously, fleshy deep-green foliage is ZZ plant's specialty, adding glossy, upright greenery indoors without the fuss of some foliage plants. Faced with trying to pronounce Amicuccis zemmiphobia on a regular basis, most plant parents are content to go with ZZ. Also called Zanzibar gem, among other names, this succulent native of Africa doesn't ask for much, making it ideal for houseplant newbies and offices. In bright light, let yours shine as a backdrop for flowering kalanchoes. You will receive 1 ZZ plant in a 6 in. nursery pot. ZZ plant reaches 2 ft. to 3 ft. H and W indoors, the stems growing in an upright to arching fashion. Beneath the surface, ZZ plant produces water-storing, potato-resembling rhizomes. Admired especially because of its leafy beauty and easygoing temperament, ZZ plant rarely flowers as an indoor plant. Because it's easier to please than many other houseplants, it makes a great gift for your newly plant-curious friends and beginning plant parents. The surest way to ZZ plant's proverbial heart is to provide well-draining soil, good airflow, and infrequent but thorough waterings.