Bring the spirit of aloha into your garden and variegated aloha at that. Pandanus tectorius is known as screw pine because the leaves are spirally arranged, a signature element of this tropical plant's visual charm. This yummy form of screw pine boasts vibrant yellow stripes on its slender, grass-like leaves, creating a delightful contrast against the green coloring. Suitable in the garden as well as a houseplant. Pandanus tectorius has a rich cultural history. Plants have been used for centuries in tropical regions for food, medicine and even construction. Whether you display your new pandan in a pot or plant it in the ground, its strappy long-foliage and multi-colored, architectural appeal will lend arching streaks of sunny color and tropical-flavored structure to your indoor or outdoor garden. Likely won't ever flower as a houseplant and may take 20-years to flower outside. Whether inside or out, give your new screw pine plenty of bright light. Too much direct Sun may scorch the variegated foliage. Water regularly, but make sure the soil is well-draining to prevent root rot. Allow the top 1 in. to 2 in. of soil to dry out between waterings. Pandanus tectorius prefers warmer temps, ideally above 60°. Feed with a balanced fertilizer once a month during spring and Summer.