The LED Engine Light retrofit kit solution can be your ultimate light retrofit alternative to replace the entire light fixture. The Amax LED retrofit module can easily replace many old generation light fixtures and ceiling fans as well. Amax Lighting, Inc. uses an aggressive magnetically attached Lighting Device design to secure attach your new light module to your existing light fixture, once you have safely removed all of the old lighting parts that are no longer needed. Once you have completed your first retrofit, you will want to begin replacing all your existing fluorescent, halogen and incandescent fixtures with the Amax Lighting, Inc. LED Engine Light available in three power levels of brightness, 15-Watt, 1125 Lumens, 20-Watt, 1500 Lumens, 35-Watt, 2625 Lumens. With all these power and electricity saving options available to you, these is no excuse not to be using the latest LED lighting technology to brighten your business and home environment. So, pickup today, start saving and seeing a brighter way of life. Color: Clear.