Prized for their ornate foliage patterns and colors and related to prayer plants (marantas), calatheas bring stunning beauty to home decor as tropical houseplants. This grower's choice calathea assortment is a hand-selected variety of fully rooted plants in 4 in. containers, reflecting the gorgeous diversity of calathea foliage in size and shape. Our assorted collection of live foliage plants may include varieties such as Calathea ornata (pinstripe calathea) or Calathea makoyana (peacock plant). Pinstripe calathea features pink or white pinstripes on dark green leaves. The underside is maroon. The attractive patterns on peacock plant's leaves resemble a certain famous bird's tail feathers. Calathea lancifolia (rattlesnake plant) sports wavy blade-shaped leaves that are bright green on top and overlaid with alternating dark green leaf-like markings. Other possibilities include Calathea orbifolia, with its oval-shaped leaves and contrasting green stripes, and Calathea roseopicta 'Purple Rose', which stands out with its dark pink color. Calatheas desire medium to bright, indirect light, but tolerate low light. Being tropical plants they prefer temps in the range of 65°F to 85°F. Avoid placing your calatheas next to drafty doors or windows during cold weather. To better mimic the humidity of their native habitat, consider using a humidifier or plant mister filled with filtered water or a pebble tray.