NorbRELIEF is a Nutri-Orb, a unique "Migraine Reducing Green Light" with our specialized patented Flicker-Free/Narrow-Green spectrum designed to reduce the occurrence and symptoms (e.g. nausea, anxiety and insomnia) of light-induced migraines and to reduce the pain level of existing migraine headaches. Pure green light has helped with pain from fibromyalgia and neuropathy as well. What makes NorbRELIEF the right choice for soothing migraine, headache and other types of pain. Specialized narrow band green light source (Patented ), designed to have No Flicker (flicker in light products can be a pain trigger for light sensitivity and migraine). Green light does not intensify migraine pain (and can leads to pain reduction). Inexpensive, individual-controlled, drug free and noninvasive. Can stimulate the body to make more of its own naturally occurring pain killers. Our goal: To improve the quality of life for those who suffer from migraine headaches and other pain.