A heavily producing perennial berry, strawberry Fragaria x Chandler is an early season June-bearing strawberry with excellent flavor and good heat tolerance. June-bearing strawberries produce one summer crop of large, tasty berries per year. They produce fruit over a 2-3 week period and are further divided into early season, midseason, or late season types. All types begin flowering in spring and produce fruit in early summer, typically June. Chandler produces in early June. Set up your strawberry patch for success, Plant strawberries in moist, well-draining soil rich in organic matter. For best berry production choose a full sun location and mulch against weeds with a layer of straw. Aft.er the last frost in spring, plant strawberries in rows spaced 18 in. - 24 in. between plants and 3 ft. - 4 ft. between rows to allow adequate space for new runners to form. Alternatively, plant strawberries in containers leaving 18 in. between each plant. Water when the top 1 in. - 2 in. of soil has dried out, once (sometimes twice) per day in summer. Allowing soil to partially dry out between watering will help plants better resist root rot. Strawberries are naturally deer resistant. For best results, protect berries from birds, who enjoy fresh fruit almost as much as you do.