This gorgeously variegated, broad-leaved bromeliad sports marvelous cream-colored striation over dark green leaves, punctuated by vivid cherry red tips and more delightful red over the center foliage. This may vary based on factors such as light. Neoregelia's are epiphytes, which means they grow on other plants or trees, using their roots to anchor themselves. This means they're perfect for mounting on driftwood or cork and they can look really stunning in a terrarium or vivarium setup. Neoregelia's make excellent, colorful, low-maintenance houseplants and patio plants. Clusters of tiny flowers grow in the center of the plant. They can last for a long-time, sometimes even up to a few months. In Summer, keep the soil moist, but in Winter allow it to dry completely before watering. The center cup or tank or vase, should be kept filled with water year-round. Flush out completely every couple of weeks to avoid stagnant water. Rainwater or distilled water preferred, as tap water causes mineral buildup. Provide bright, indirect light and good airflow. Neoregelia's are light feeders. They prefer humidity around 60%, so consider using a humidifier or pebble tray if your home is on the dry side.