This cart is weighing about 40 lbs. It's fair to say the table is heavy, but not so heavy that it's hard to move freely The size and weight of this table are convenient for everyday use, no matter where you are moving it through any door. Due to the weight, you don't have to worry about tipping over when you use it outdoors. It provides additional shelf storage space for your outdoor use, which is very practical. It is suitable for use in any weather and any area, and will not be deformed, discolored or shortened in life due to being placed outdoors. Even if you live in a very humid place, this all-weather removable prep table won't get moldy or rot. If you put it in the sun, its HDPE frame will not be discolored or damaged. If the place where you are is very windy, this preparation table will not be blown over in strong winds or tipped over like some lightweight plastic tables. If you tend to use this outdoor prep table frequently, then choosing a stainless steel countertop is more suitable. 1 reason is that this stainless steel countertop is easier to clean, and will not deform and discolor. The stainless steel used for the countertop is very thick and high-quality. Stainless steel countertop has a very long service life and is suitable for long-term use.