Rain Bird SD14PKSX Drip Irrigation 2-in-1 Staked In-Line Dripper/Emitter, 1 Gallon Per Hour, 4-Pack. Time-saving, staked spot watering dripper/emitter eliminates need to buy and install separate stakes; faster and easier to secure at desired plants. This 2-in-1 staked pressure compensating dripper/emitter delivers a medium 1 gallon-per-hour flow rate, and is designed for in-line use with 1/4" Drip tubing. Ideal for watering root zones of garden and landscape plants, shrubs, and container plantings. In-line design allows: multiple drippers to be added along a single section of 1/4" irrigation tubing; precise placement by plants; and to completely encircle larger plants, shrubs, or trees. Pressure-compensating design ensures all plants receive the desired watering rate regardless of their position along the distribution tubing run. Uniform flow is delivered throughout a wide pressure range from 15 to 40 PSI. Barbed ends securely retain 1⁄4" Drip tubing for a leak-proof connection. Constructed of highly durable UV and chemical-resistant materials to withstand adverse conditions. Rain Bird "The Intelligent Use of Water". Color: Blacks.