The extraordinary Gold Rush apple tree is a nature masterpiece crafted with a remarkable blend of unique features. with its striking golden-yellow hue, it effortlessly stands out in any garden or orchard, becoming a true visual delight. Thriving in a wide range of growing zones (USDA Zones 5-8), this tree adapts seamlessly to various climates, empowering more enthusiasts to enjoy its exceptional harvest. Standing tall at maturity, reaching heights of up to 25 ft. this resilient variety offers an abundance of delicious, crisp and juicy apples that are perfect for both snacking and cooking. Experience the exhilarating journey of growing your own Gold Rush apple tree and relish the golden treasure it brings. The apple tree grows best in full Sun, slightly acidic and loamy soil and needs another apple tree to cross pollinate. We recommend Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith or Haralson.