Garlic, like shallots and onions, is a member of the allium family and is a species within the allium genus. Garlic is one of the most popular vegetables used to season in cooking. Studies have shown there are many benefits to adding garlic to your dishes. It is said to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, help lower cholesterol, support immune function and may reduce blood clotting. Garlic is easy to grow and is a great addition to your edible garden. Porcelain garlic, also known as 'hardneck garlic' is a type of garlic known for its round bulbs and robust flavor. It gets its name from the smooth, porcelain-like appearance of its bulb wrappers. They typically produce larger bulbs than other varieties with an average clove count of 3-4. Hardneck garlic produces a stiff neck (scape) and flowerhead (umbel) with bulbils at the top. Porcelain garlic is well-suited for colder climates and is known for its ability to withstand harsh Winters, making it a popular choice for northern gardens. The garlic bulbs we ship are usually on average between 1-1.5 in. Dia, which by industry standards weigh approximately 12-16 bulbs per pound.