Incredibly cold-hardy, the breathtaking Northland Northern Highbush Blueberry are easy for beginners and seasoned gardeners to grow. with its deep green foliage and stunningly vibrant crimson leaves in the fall, this bush is a visual masterpiece that adds a touch of elegance to any garden. The Northland Blueberry is so pretty that, fruit aside, it makes an exceptional ornamental bush. This cold-hardy shrub is compact, rounded and puts on a show 3 seasons of the year. Beautiful bell-shaped white flowers will decorate your berry bush as it announces the start of spring. After the fruit season has passed, the green leaves turn gorgeous shades of gold, red and purple during the fall. The medium-size berries are very flavorful and sweet-similar to wild blueberries. They ft. re preferred for jams, jellies and sauces. You don ft. t have to use extra sweeteners with these blueberries. Thriving in USDA zones 3-7, it seamlessly adapts to various growing conditions, making it perfect for gardens across the country. At a mature height of 3-4 ft. this remarkable bush is compact yet bountiful, producing abundant clusters of plump, juicy blueberries that burst with sweetness. Blueberries grow best in full Sun, well drained, high organic matter. Bed preparation is a must. Experience the joy of harvesting your own delicious blueberries with the Northland Blueberry Bush, an irresistible addition to your garden oasis.