Although the botanical name is Lycoris, it is more commonly known by several different names, such as: Surprise lilies, Naked Ladies, Spider Lilies and September Lilies. It is a long-time heirloom favorite in southern gardens that produces flower clusters on strong, tall stems that are leafless. (Strap-shaped leaves emerge after the bloom stalk fades). Rodents and deer avoid them and once established, they are both carefree and long lived. These are a sought after bulb variety in limited supply, as they are not typically available at the big box stores. Lycoris squamigera - a pink trumpet-shaped bloom - makes a real splash when it suddenly appears late in Summer. A 1882 heirloom variety. Makes for a very nice companion to Hosta's foliage. Lilac flowers that are fragrant. The genus name honors a Roman beauty, the mistress of Mark Antony.