The Jonard Tools Fixed Design Long Compression Tool is designed for use on long style F connectors, such as the PPC EXXLWS Aqua tight or EX-XL connectors. The tool is ideal for installing CATV network cables and features the following: rotatable head to accommodate various connectors such as RG6 and RG11 quickly and easily, made of durable high carbon steel with a black oxide finish, plastic grips provide a comfortable and ergonomic experience, and fixed design so no adjustments are needed. Compatible Connectors: Thomas and Betts Belden Snap-N-Seal: SNS1P59, SNS1P59HEL, SNS7BQ, SNS7AS, SNS7B, SNS11A5TP275, SNS59Q5NS, SNS1P59QS, SNS11A5NS, SNS7ASNS, SNS1P6, SNS59TP275, SNS6TP275, SNS7BNS Dig icon: DS6, DS59, DS6Q, DS59Q, DS11, DS7 Corning Gilbert Ultra Ease: GF-UE-59, GF-UE-59Q, GF-UE-6, GF-UE-6Q, GF-UE-5. 1, GF-URS-6-SR, GF-URS-59-SR, GAF-URS-11MH PPC: CMP6, CMP6Q, CMP59, CMP59Q, CMP11, EX6XL, EX59XL, EX59XLHE, EX6XLWS, EX6LP , EX7, EX7N716, EX11, EX11N716, EX320QR, EX320N716, EX59XLK, EX6XLK, EX6XLP, EX7N716WS, EX59XLK, EX6XLK, EX6XLP, EX7N716WS, EX11N716WS, EX59XLWS, EX11N716WSPLUS, EX11N716PLUS, EX7N716WSPLUS, EX7N716PLUS, EX6XLPLUS, EX6XLWSPLUS, EX59XLPLUS, EX59XLWSPLUS, EX6XLWS ATX Networks: 9-MPF-CQ Caledon: CX3-F596, CX3-IECF, CX3-IECM, FM-RGII-CX3, FM-RG7-CX3Plus many other brands and styles of long F connectors!.