The Fine-Ribbed Thermoplastic Flooring is a durable, slip-resistant floor made from synthetic rubber material. The surface of this non-slip matting is covered in finely corrugated grooves, which serve to enhance traction, scrape dirt from shoes, and lead moisture away from the walking surface. The corrugated rubber provides extra points of contact for shoe soles to grip onto to enhance traction and greatly reduce the possibility for slips. As mud and moisture are dragged down into the grooves, this ribbed rubber flooring provides a safe and reliable walking surface. Since this corrugated flooring is made from thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), it provides protection for sensitive sub-surfaces. Each roll is 3.5 mm. thick, which is perfect to absorb shock and abrasions that could easily damage a traditional floor type. Harmful movements are absorbed by the durable rubber and greatly reduced as they pass through to the other side. These ribbed mats also protect sub-floors from harsh substances due to their non-permeable, chemical resistant surface. Thermoplastic rubber is impervious to water and offers a moderate chemical resistance, so it performs well in a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. This also makes the anti-slip mats very easy to clean, as they hold up well against most common household cleaners. This flooring is available in either Black or Gray colors and can be purchased in a selection of multiple factory-cut sizes to accommodate a space of any size. Color: Dark Gray.