The famed cherry blossoms of Shogetsu form a virtual pink blanket of petals cascading over the tree in spring, putting on a breathtaking display of massive double blossoms that are both complex and wholly unique to the Shogetsu tree. These elegant blossoms are some of the largest of all the flowering cherry cultivars and contain up to 25 petals in each flower. They bloom close together in hanging bunches of 3 to 6 and each individual flower can measure up to 2 in. across. A lesser known quality of Shogetsu blossoms is that they gracefully shift hues of color as they age. Beginning as pure white after the initial opening of the bud, the large flowers gradually shift to a translucent, champagne pink marking the end of spring. Additionally, the amber-mahogany bark of this tree has a polished sheen, creating an illusion similar to stained glass as it matures and peels, bringing an extra dimension of beauty throughout the winter as well. Shogetsu Cherry Blossom Tree, botanical name Prunus serrulata Shogetsu, is best suited to USDA zones 5-9 with full sun and reaches a height/spread of 15 ft. to 20 ft. The Shogetsu Cherry Blossom is world-renowned for its large, elegant and beautiful flower bunches that change colors as spring progresses. Since it remains compact for a cherry tree, Shogetsu is perfect for urban plantings as the springtime focal point in any landscape.