This compact, small growing fern is native to Reunion, Mauritius. It prefers warm, humid conditions, which is why they grow best in terrariums, but also in high humidity kitchens or bathrooms. If you're fond of ferns that stay at a compact and easily manageable size, you can steal a bit of the tropics into your home with the help of the Eyelash Fern. This plant possesses lime green to dark green leaves and has various smooth textured fronds on the surface of leaves. The stunning leaves are fan-shaped and radiate in an outward direction from the central base just like the eyelashes of humans, therefore, it is named eyelash fern. The Eyelash fern belongs to an evergreen community. The fern is immune to the autumn season and stays lush green and fresh throughout the year. And it never sheds all of its fronds rather only sheds its leaves when they become old and dry. The eyelash fern just like its delicate texture also possesses caring nature. It takes care of its owner by purifying the surrounding air. Since the fern plays an important role in removing the toxins and providing a fresh and clean environment.