This plant is as tough as its name. Excellent for those difficult-to-fill areas in deep shade, spreading gently by underground stems. A nearly fuss-free, lush, leafy evergreen that will tolerate a range of growing conditions including heat, aridity and dry shade. Unfortunately we're unable to ship to California and Arizona. For a gardener with a brown thumb, this sturdy, long lasting plant can be used in areas where all else fails; it is always green, and can handle deep shade under deck stairs or along foundations that receive almost no sunlight. Thrives in organically rich, well-drained soil, sited in bright shade; tolerates deep shade well. In containers, use a high quality, organic potting mix. Water deeply, regularly in first growing season to establish root system; once established, reduce frequency. Feed with a general-purpose fertilizer in spring. Native to the Osumi Islands of Japan, it inhabits forest floors and receives its common name of Cast Iron Plant due to its ability to survive under dark and neglectful conditions. New species of this plant are currently being discovered throughout East Asia. No serious insect or disease problems. Watch for mites and scale. Overwatering may cause root rot. Direct sun will bleach leaves.