Aqua-Pure Whole House Replacement Filter Cartridge AP110 filters sediment in water for drinking, laundry, bathing, and other household uses, reducing particles as fine as 5 micron in size. The cartridge's multi-filter, ridged design maximizes dirt-holding capacity and overall filter life. Aqua-Pure water filters and cartridges are products of 3M Purification Inc., formerly CUNO Incorporated. Cartridge Specifications Aqua-Pure Whole House Replacement Filter Cartridge AP110 is manufactured from FDA CFR-21 compliant materials. It has a maximum operating temperature of 170°F (76.7°C) and provides a flow rate of 8.00 GPM (30.3 l per minute). The Aqua-Pure AP110 Whole House Replacement Filter Cartridge can be used with the following cold water systems: AP11T, AP101T, AP1610SS, SST1HA, SS4 EPE-316L, SS8 EPE-316L, SS12 EPE-316L, SS20 EPE-316L, SS24 EPE-316L and SS36 EPE-316L. Reduces Sediment to Help Provide Cleaner, Clearer Water Almost every home can benefit from a filtration system that filters water as it first enters the home. Called point-of-entry systems, or whole-house water filtration systems, they filter particulate, improve taste, and reduce odor. In addition to delivering more appealing drinking water, reduction of particulate helps preserve plumbing and fixtures. A cartridge system is typically more compact and requires a lower initial investment, but may have higher long-term operating costs due to the replacement cartridges.