The Nexgrill Outdoor Food Prep Cart is your ultimate on-the-go companion, offering seamless food preparation and tool storage. With a spacious 648 square inches (36 in. x 18 in. ) countertop made of stainless steel, this versatile prep station is your go-to solution for grilling adventures. Plus, it ft. s equipped with a smartphone and tablet stand, ensuring easy access to online grill recipes. When it ft. s time to tidy up, the convenience continues with 2 heavy-duty wheels that allow for effortless transport, freeing up valuable patio space. Elevate your grilling experience with the Nexgrill Outdoor Food Prep Cart: Boasts a rugged stainless-steel countertop for lasting durability. Enjoy 648 sq. in. of generous workspace, accommodating all your main dishes and sides on 1 surface. Keep things neat with a built-in paper towel bar below the workspace, ready to tackle unexpected spills and splatters. Say goodbye to back-and-forth trips to the kitchen, thanks to the attached trash bag holder that simplifies disposal. Discover ultimate convenience as your favorite sauces and seasonings find a home in the built-in condiment tray, ensuring everything is within arm ft. s reach. Experience grilling prep at its finest - your culinary assistant for a seamless and efficient cooking journey.