The Wildaven electric scooter features a rated 2,400-Watt motor with a top speed of 65 mph and a range of 40-50 miles under certain conditions. Both the front and rear wheels are equipped with spring shock absorbers to cope with more complex road conditions and easily travel through the jungle. Good moving tool. Provide a richer experience. Intelligent brake regeneration battery system using 21AH battery, ideal for long-distance commuting. We recommend charging 8H-12H each time. Through the smart LCD screen, you can check the speed, driving time, mileage, battery power, and other important information about the electric scooter for adults. You can also use the instrument to troubleshoot, controller failure, and it will flash when instrument or controller communication fails. When the brakes, controllers, motors, and handlebars are abnormal or malfunctioning, the adult electric scooter will always light up.