Whether you are a true cigar aficionado or a casual enthusiast, the Whynter is an ideal cigar storage system that can help preserve the flavor of your cigars and protect them from pests or other harmful conditions. Easy to read digital hygrometer. This unit is designed to help store and age cigars within the optimal humidity range 62% to 75% at room temperature. This cigar humidor contains a humidification tray (for use with preferred solution/moisture beads) and equipped with an elegant digital hygrometer which helps monitor the desired level of humidity. Quiet and energy efficient. Having a temperature-controlled environment is also critical for discouraging the proliferation of any pests that may be present in the tobacco leaves. The thermoelectric cooling system used here minimizes the drying effect when cooling, relative to the compressor based cooling systems in many refrigeration units. Spanish cedar shelves and drawer. Furnished with 2 Spanish cedar flat shelves and one spacious drawer, the Whynter helps maintain humidity, emits a light complementary aroma, and helps repel damaging insects. In addition to its main purpose of storing, preserving, and aging cigars, this Whynter cigar humidor is also an attractive and elegant showcase for your prized collection.