Let me walk you through the whole process and give you a better idea on how to add gifts on your newly created Gift List. Let's create your first dad's tie Gift List. Click my Gift Lists on the left menu. Then click "create new list". Here you can fill out all the information for this Gift List starting with; list name, notes, and who can view it. Hover over the purple question marks for more information. While creating the list you can also add Gift Givers. Gift Givers will be sent an email link to this Gift List where they can view and purchase items on the list. Next add the mailing address, date of the occasion, and show if purchased. Again, you need to hover over the purple question marks for more information. Finally, click Create List. Now that you have created your first list use the EZ Gift Add App to add gifts to your Gift List. Watch the next video to learn how. With that, you should be able to easily create a gift list on SkipWish now.
And that is a wrap! Pretty simple, right? Enjoy adding those gifts to your Gift Lists and don't forget to share them on your social media accounts to let your friends and family who are planning a celebration for you know what gifts you want.
We've collected our users' most popularly posted gifts over the last year and filtered the results for the page you are on. Feel free to use the available filters to narrow down your search by age range, gender, location, and occasion. You can also use our price, popularity, rating, and vendor filters to narrow your results down further. These are our new how-to create a gift list video.
Visit Our our Gift Ideas page and our blog for more ideas!